A rare moment


There is sunshine pouring through my windows and bouncing on the glass of my desktop, sparkling and dancing in the most delightful way.

It’s warmth is minimal, yet is in such sharp contrast to the icy winter’s day that wraps around my home. It is wonderful to pause – it’s a rare moment in time when you just take a minute out from the daily demands and reflect on just how it feels to have that tiny touch of sunshine on your cheek and listen to the wind whistling through the eaves above.

Isn’t it magnificent? It distracts me from my work and gives me a moment to reflect on life and particularly my life.

Today is a perfect day. Yes the wind is howling. It almost feels like it is reaching out, to tear at my home and cause damage. But my walls are strong and I feel safe. And instead of the wind being able to cause me any concern, I have instead an incredible view through large glass windows of the dancing sun.

It seems to laugh at the wind’s futile attempts to cause chaos – the cows walk steadily through the paddocks, unperturbed by the wind and they too seem to bask in the winter’s sun. The wind whistles on, unable to change it’s path, exhausting itself against unconcerned brick walls.

So today is a perfect day, because it reminds me of the balance of life – that after the storm, after all the damage that can be caused, there are days filled with sunshine and warmth.

And my sunshine and warmth don’t just come from outside my window, but from inside my home. As I watch my son turn into a remarkable young man of whom I am immensely proud (and I may be a tiny bit biased – but I also like to think I am a realist. I did read his report card and let’s just say there will be a few changes to our routine!), and as my loyal and beautiful dog locks her big emotional brown eyes on mine, checking to see if we need protecting from any threat, and as the “cat that’s not mine but chooses to live here anyway” snuggles and purrs his warm body against us, I know that in our lives, it’s as though the sun has come out every day.

What we all know, sadly, is that there are people and circumstances that will try to tear you apart, will muster all their strength to pursue deceitful paths and bring storm clouds to your life. But what we all must remember is that when we have our own walls that protect us, our strength in our knowledge of right from wrong and our moral compass to guide us, then these dark energies will simply exhaust themselves and, just like the wind against the bricks, they will fall away defeated.

So as I reflect on my life, the storms that occasionally travel through are unavoidable, but the sunshine that follows has in fact always been there – it just sometimes gets clouded. What a women wants is a magnificent life where the storms never bring their chaos, but what she needs to know is that she has within herself, and within those whom she loves, an eternal summer of sunshine and warmth.  And within those walls, she will always be safe.

With much love,
Abby x
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