Finding the right path

Finding the right path

Have you ever stopped and wondered if you’re on the right path?

I don’t mean a moment of panic, where you kind of semi freak out and second guess a recent major decision, like moving states – or countries (although I have done that, several times). 

I mean when the question starts to float around your mind and kind of sticks there a little longer each time … Am I on the right path? Is this the life I was meant to live? Is this the life I chose to live, or the one that just kind of happened? And do I still like it? I have to admit, I find myself getting restless from time to time, a nagging feeling that there should be … well … more.

It’s no good ignoring these feelings, or opening a bottle of wine and trying to forget them. Although it is worth a shot, particularly with a really good bottle of red by a crackling fire, you can almost convince yourself everything is awesome. But whenever there’s that niggling feeling that you can’t put your finger on, well it’s just much better to try and figure out what is causing all the fuss.

Sometimes it’s a storm in a teacup – like you just plain forgot to reply to a client, or you’re overdue on your BAS or something else that’s just as annoying, and you can give that sigh of relief knowing you’ve found what was causing the unrest.

But other times, it really is about the big questions. Am I happy? Am I on the right path? Have I ‘zigged’ when I should have ‘zagged’? Am I where I want to be? Sounds a lot like a mid-life crisis, right? I prefer to think of them as little ‘mid-life check-ins’. An opportunity to listen to your own story and make sure you’re writing it the way you want. Well, I know that sounds a little ridiculous as you’d potentially write in being really rich, incredibly healthy, a partner you’re madly in love with – and vice versa – and so on! But I really do mean it. You can’t control the cards life deals you, but you can control how you play them. I’ve had a few curve balls lately, and stress – and emotions – have been running high.  And when you’re stressed, well you can lose sight of the path.

So what to do in times of stress? When the questions are coming at you thick and fast, and you’re not sure you’re quite where you’re meant to be? There’s only one thing I’ve found works. Sit quietly and calmly, somewhere you are really comfortable, alone. Meditate. Close your eyes, and look inside yourself. Let the questions come up and explore them in your mind, answer them, have a conversation with your inner you. I find this helps to break things down, get some sort of order again. It helps to face the toughest questions that might have been brewing inside you, and when you face them they don’t seem as big as the nagging voice made them sound.

I meditated this weekend, and touched the question I was most frightened of answering – and you know what? It’s liberating to say that, in fact, I am most certainly on the right path.

What a woman wants is to have a crystal ball to know the path that lies ahead, but what a woman needs is to simply believe in her own inner voice that will let her know whether she is on the right path.

Have a great month,
Abby xx
Don’t forget you can email me anytime at [email protected]

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