December 2008, Issue 38

December 2008, Issue 38

And now for something completely different…

Docklands empty-nesters Alan and Joh Maxwell have turned their passion into a new and unique business with the launch of Tours on Trike.

The Maxwells gave up moorcycling many years ago to fund a deposit on a suburban home as they began to raise a family. But the passion for the highway and the wind in their face remained.

Now the private schools fees are behind them and they have been smitten by the Docklands lifestyle. Their children gave them six months in Docklands. But 18 months later, there’s no going back to ‘burbs. “We certainly proved them wrong,” Joh said.

A year ago Alan did what many middle-aged men in his position do – he started looking for a Harley Davidson motorcycle. But he found a trike and now the trike is taking the Maxwells into the next exciting chapter of their lives.

After getting such great reaction from friends and family he took for rides, Alan decided to turn the hobby into a business.

He isn’t planning on giving up his day job as a consultant IT project manager but the Maxwells have started employing riders and have another vehicle on order.

The business was officially launched at Docklands’ Lamore restaurant on November 30. “It’s not a new concept, but it is certainly new for Melbourne,” Alan said.

Tours on Trike offer a range of tours starting with one-hour runs around Albert Park and the inner city, to an all-day around-the-bay indulgence.

“Melbourne has 73,000 visitors every week and we feel that there has been something missing in the offering to them,” Alan said. “We’re aiming to give them something different.”

Alan said the most noticeable thing about riding around in a trike is being noticed by all and sundry. “If you have a need to be noticed, then hop on,” he said.

The trike is Australian-made, features Harley Davidson parts and is powered by a 1916cc Volkswagon engine.

For further information, see

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