Giant new mural in Docklands

Giant new mural in Docklands

If you have been down The District lately you might have noticed a lonely figure on a scissor lift, in Waterfront Way.

Maha has been working on his largest mural to date, on the side of the east car park.

Maha is one of the most conscientious artists I have worked with. It takes him up to 200 hours to do an average mural, so this artwork has been a challenge for him.

Because it is nearly 10 metres high he has had to try and work quickly, because he has had to use a scissor lift.

The District has been kind enough to donate the lift when it’s not being used. So we have mainly been working on the weekends. The mural is of a young guy holding a koala and Blinky Bill.

It plays with technique – placing photo-realism against flat colour – creating an interesting combination.

The meticulous detail that Maha achieves has seen him up on the scissor lift for most of October. He has nearly finished the artwork now and it’s an amazing addition to the suite of murals and public art at The District Docklands.

The wall on the east car park is growing and changing and is one of the largest evolving walls in Australia.

So come down and check out Maha’s new artwork and grab some fresh herbs from the kids artists garden!

Have a beautiful month. Stay kool Docklands.

- Adrian Doyle

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