Stay vigilant, support local


By Keith Sutherland

As we come out of almost four months in lockdown, which has tested all of us, we must reflect on how far we have come from 750 cases daily to zero.But we must realise that there will be the occasional new case of COVID-19, so we must remain vigilant going forward.

Yes, stage 4 restrictions have been tough. In fact, some of the harshest in the world! But, as a collective, Victorians should feel rightfully proud of what we have achieved while setting the gold standard in getting on top of this pandemic.

It hasn’t been easy for individuals, businesses and people’s mental health but spare a thought for Premier Daniel Andrews who has fronted up to around 120 consecutive daily briefings. He and Chief Medical Officer Brett Sutton have had to make many difficult decisions in trying to keep people safe.

There have been mistakes made along the way as there has been no handbook to deal with this. The Premier has taken responsibility for them and it wouldn’t have been easy holding

firm against incredible opposition from the media and politicians trying to point-score at this unprecedented time.

It has been unfortunate that a vocal minority see their civil liberties been taken away in having to wear masks and have not been able to watch or play sport including golf, etc. but this has been a health crisis firstly and a horrible economic one for all. I believe mask-wearing is a small price to pay when you consider what’s happening in places right now; in the USA, England, Europe, India, Spain and South America.

Thanks to everyone who has supported their local Docklands and Yarra’s Edge businesses that have remained open in a limited capacity with take away only.

It’s incumbent on us all to support local where we can as we have been told that “we are all in this together”.

Both the state and federal governments, along with City of Melbourne grants, will support the hospitality industry and allow it to open with new requirements. The outdoor dining will be an exciting new time in the warmer months ahead.

Hopefully in the near future employees come back to the Docklands precinct which will help small businesses so affected by the pandemic.

Now that the City of Melbourne elections for Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor, along with councillors, have closed, we hope that there will be a greater emphasis on this area and it gets the attention it deserves as a vibrant location.

Some time ago I met with Cr Kevin Louey and suggested that the council look at beautifying the piazza area outside Towers 1 & 2 with permanent tables, chairs and umbrellas to make it more resident-friendly and pointed out that our side of the river seemed underfunded. Also required on the promenade are better bike and walking lanes delineated so as to avoid dangerous situations.

The Yarra Residents’ Action Group has sup- ported the Fishermans Bend Business Forum’s (FBBF’s) suggestion of bringing forward Metro 2 train to Fishermans Bend, as proposed in the urban renewal project’s original strategy plan.

We also support its proposal to add a spur line off the existing tram route 109 to branch off to Boundary and Inglis streets. This would eliminate the need for a destructive and expensive tram bridge over the Yarra River, as well as a tram crossing over the busy Lorimer St. The Andrews government is fast tracking billions of dollars on infrastructure projects, so why not bring forward this which will create much needed new jobs?

Our group has backed off at the moment as the government has had enough to contend with this year in dealing with coronavirus, but know that we will pursue things when the time is right. In the meantime please stay safe, wear your mask and observe social distancing measures and support local businesses.

We are lucky to live in one of Melbourne’s “Jewels in the Crown” which has so much to offer and it will be great seeing tourists back and boats on the river again soon.

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