Cheery Cherry

Cheery Cherry

According to her owner Santi Rachman, Cherry is a very well-behaved pet. Cherry, a six-year-old King Charles Cavalier, is always very quiet.

“She is the perfect pet to have in an apartment because she is quiet and never barks.”

Cherry also likes the attention of people. Rather than going up to other dogs she will simply stare at people going past and want to follow them.

Ms Rachman also commented on how her beloved dog liked to think she was a human.

“When I’m sitting at the table having dinner, she wants to jump up on the chair so she is at the table with me.”

Ms Rachman usually takes Cherry out around three times a day and said she was well trained.

“In all the time we have been living in Docklands she has never once had an accident in the apartment. She always waits till we go for a walk.”

A well-behaved dog indeed.

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