The endless appetite of Moko

The endless appetite of Moko

At just five months old, young Moko is a very happy new Docklands resident with an appetite to match!

According to Docklands resident and proud owner of the Labrador-chow chow cross Dianna, her new companion is curious about everything, especially food.

“We haven’t found anything that she won’t eat yet, she has a got a great appetite,” she said.

Even as Docklands News stops to meet Moko in Docklands Park, she is excitedly finishing off what remains of someone’s left-over salad roll.

Dianna and her partner bought Moko from a pet shop and admits she was “an impulse buy”.

“We were at Richmond Victoria Gardens and there is a pet shop there and we just saw these three black litters and, yeah, I guess it was just love at first sight,” she said.

Despite admittedly being unprepared for sharing an apartment with a new puppy, Dianna said living in Docklands made it easy and enjoyable to keep Moko happy.

“Being in Docklands is good because we have the dog park, which is a good bit of green area,” she said. “She is very happy.”

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