

Response 1

In response to your article dated October 1, 2013 “Council profits from Docklands”. The following points are provided for clarification and context.
The unbudgeted Marina YE fees and associated costs referred to in the article arose out of a change in operating model for the management of the marina. The fees represent quarterly outgoings paid by tenants to fund the operating expenditure of the marina.
It is worth noting that the fees are calculated based on a cost neutral/cost recovery basis with no profit generated by council.
Yours sincerely,

Phu Nguyen

Chief Financial Officer            

City of Melbourne


Response 2

Why was I not surprised that you hid my response down the back of the News?
Also that you didn’t apologise for major inaccuracies in your report.
Weak effort Shane!  Your over-the -top animosity is obvious to all.
As somebody has remarked, your article did you more harm than it did us.
Roger Gardner

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