Step up to the mark!

Step up to the mark!

I was pleased you ran this open letter [to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne], which sums up the concerns of Docklands residents.

Why don’t you run with these issues by pursuing the politicians and developers referred to? Docklands News used to be more campaigning, but seems to have become a bit sycophantic with politicians and developers lately.

As you are aware, Docklands residents have no voice in the planning and political process as the process is completely run by developers (as the letter said).

I personally have tried to contact Wynne and Mr Du of Capital Alliance re the planning extensions on the Marriott hotel, with no response from either.

As usual they do whatever they want with non-existent planning laws.

An independent newspaper could play a valuable role.

Please step up to the mark. It would be a great public service.

Daryl Mead

Please help!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, can someone address the signals ringing out across Victoria Harbour and the Docklands precinct DAY and NIGHT!!! I acknowledge the importance of work done at the docks, and of even more the importance the safety of the workers onsite. Having had some experience I know that an adjustment as simple as slightly redirecting the signal downwards can make a huge difference to the unwanted far reaching noise, while actually being a more ef- fective warning to those workers on the ground in the area where the warnings are needed. Surely, I’m not the only one being kept awake! WHAT ABOUT YOU SALLY CAPP???

Lea Young

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