An active Docklands summer

An active Docklands summer

Compared with the CBD, and many other corporate hubs in the state, Docklands is the perfect base for a corporate worker to remain active.

Our position alongside the water in a relatively flat environment makes it easy and pleasurable to be out and about. Here are some ideas to make getting active in Docklands fun this summer:

Take a walk to see the restoration of the Alma Doepel;

Form a team and join in the corporate sports played at the courts near the Hub;

Play a game of table tennis at the library;

Run some laps of the Etihad concourse;

Join a lunch-time Bootcamp program;

Jump on a blue Ride Melbourne Bike and tour the piers;

Walk to Harbour Town for lunch and some shopping;  

Explore the art and sculptures scattered throughout Docklands – there are more than 40 pieces!;

Walk through the marinas and look at all the vessels that call Docklands home;

Join a gym, do some weight training, take a PT session or take a yoga, pilates or high-intensity exercise class; and

Take a walk into the CBD and see just how lucky we are!    


Technology, health and wellness

Technology is rapidly changing the way we measure, motivate and engage in exercise and physical activity.  

Whether it’s the latest cardio equipment, wearable gadget, mobile app or how you enrol and access your fitness club – it’s all changing fast and for the better.

Wearable gadgets – the latest generation of FitBits have hit the market and right now are the preferred device for anyone looking to measure and monitor their lifestyle.

With the support of a great App and online programs, you can set targets, measure performance and track progress of steps taken, kilometres walked, calories burned and even see how long and how well you are sleeping.

One other fun aspect of the FitBit is creating and linking with online communities where you can work together on common goals or have some fun with “healthy” competitions. Look out for the Apple Watch due for release in April.

New-age cardio equipment: Keep an eye out for the latest Precor cardio equipment with Preva networked technology. Preva helps users set goals and monitor progress across a global network when using Precor equipment.

Lastly, check out these five fun free fitness apps: Runtastic, Run Keeper, Nexercise, Lose it and Strava.


Sit less, stand up and move more!

In the battle against sedentary and lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity, corporate workers need to stand up and be counted!

Sitting for long periods of time can increase your risk of heart disease by up to 50 per cent. Research shows that some workers are sedentary or seated for up to 10 hours per day.

Here are 10 practical ideas that you can integrate into your working day to get you and your colleagues moving more in 2015!Take the stairs, not the escalator/elevator;

Always stand on public transport;

Establish a lunch-time walking group at work;

Alter your tram/train/bus stop so that you need to walk further each day;

Review your work station. Can you access a standing space?;

Introduce walking meetings;

Implement a standing stretch into every meeting you participate in;

Set a 5000 step goal for 12 noon every day – measure the steps on your FitBit;

Suggest your company introduces a 5X program – five key exercises for all employees, every day;  and

Set a “maximum sitting time” for meetings – participants must stand and move every 20 minutes of the meeting.

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