Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce


The Docklands Chamber of Commerce has a new executive committee and is committed to continuing the great work of 2014 to bring great outcomes for businesses in Docklands.  

The Docklands Chamber of Commerce AGM was held on Wednesday, October 15 in the Library at the Dock. Re-elected were Joh Maxwell as president, Josephine Tan as treasurer.General committee members re-elected include Melissa Head, Tony Bailo and Matt McInnes. Paul Keisler was voted in as secretary and Bill Reid as vice president. We welcome aboard Jeff Gordon as a new general member and we farewell outgoing members, Stephen Clement and Ebba Lindblom. We would like to thank both outgoing members for their valuable contribution to the work of the Docklands Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations to the new executive of the Docklands Chamber of Commerce.

The next Docklands Chamber event is upon us! VECCI, in partnership with Docklands Chamber of Commerce, is proud to present Fast Forward Docklands, a speed networking that’s not a waste of time. This is on Thursday October 30th 5.30pm - 8pm at Sumac , Central Pier, 161 Harbour Esplanade. In proud partnership with VECCI, and as a value add to your DCC membership, the chamber is proud to promote a special 55 per cent discount to members only.

As we go to print, Harbour Town will be under new management.  New parking fee structures have been announced as Harbour Town management  appoints  Care Park to manage its car parks. Under this new arrangement shoppers and businesses will be able to enjoy an improved daily fee structure capped at $10 to encourage patrons to stay longer in the precinct.

If you read this column last month, you will have read about a transport museum slated for Harbour Esplanade.  This idea is by no means set in stone, and is only conceptual at the moment. A Docklands transport museum would not be just about cars, trucks, buses or trains. Without doubt there is strong community interest in vintage and classic vehicles.  There is the Fox Classic Car collection in Docklands which is open to the public three days a week from 10am-2pm. There is also a strong community interest in preserving our rich maritime heritage, on which Melbourne’s waterways was established.

It is important to recognise that transport evolved around shipping, which is responsible for 90 per cent of world trade. The arrival of ships laden with cargo to our shores drove the need for transport.
The building blocks are here already, commencing at the Melbourne Convention Centre with its dry docks, Polly Woodside, Boat Builders Yard, South Wharf, North Wharf sheds, Seafarers Bridge, Seafarers Rest, Mission to Seafarers heritage-listed building, Kangan Automotive Centre of Excellence, Fox Classic Car collection, Victoria Harbour, Central Pier, the Enterprize, restoration project of Alma Doepel, the steam ship Wattle, numerous classic vessels including the Ena and the Grower. Consideration is being given to securing a permanent home, creating a tall ship exhibition in Docklands.

Docklands is already home to the tall ship Enterprize, a replica of the ship that brought the first settlers to Melbourne 179 years ago. The Alma Doepel is presently under restoration and is set to become an attraction for visitors to watch her steady progress as she regains her former glory. Other restoration projects such as the steam ship Wattle offer the community rare opportunities to watch and learn how these great vessels were constructed and led to the development of Melbourne.
So the message is simple, support the Docklands Chamber of Commerce as we support initiatives that will benefit Docklands. If you are business in Docklands, then make sure you become a member today. Contact [email protected]

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