News from the DCA


Greetings everybody

On August 4 the Inner Melbourne Planning Association [IMPA], on which the DCA is represented, held a public forum in Federation Square of eminent speakers concerning design quality of new housing and public space in Melbourne.

The overly-small apartments and lack of open space were criticised. It was stated that a high proportion of new high-rise apartments are only one bedroom, largely bought by Asian investors. Clearly there needs to be a policy review by governments.

Regarding the Esplanade re-development, our own DCA online survey resulted so far in 76 per cent of 80 respondents voting for a linear park. Only three people agreed with the plan to put old cargo sheds on the Esplanade.

Will this cause Places Victoria (PV) to modify its plans?

As we’ve already said, people want an open stretch to offset the cramming of buildings, with open space being at a premium in Docklands due to most land having been given to developers. The opinion is that Places Victoria / council geared their survey to support their pre-determined plans to cram in some 12 sheds along the stretch.

They have been touting their plans at times over the last two or more years and then gave four weeks to answer their survey after which their survey website was removed. Their plans and survey were criticised at the community forum on August 26.  The council planning manager said at the forum that they would review the plans later in the year.

The DCA continues to liaise with other community groups to whom building development planning is a major issue, as well as infrastructure planning. These groups are from various areas including Carlton, Southbank, North and West Melbourne and South Yarra.

I attended the Docklands security meeting on August 6. These are attended by police, security, businesses, council and resident representatives. Crime stats are presented. A drug bust in NewQuay was referred to. Combating drug distribution would be helped by bringing the problem to the attention of building committees and building managers asked to report any suspicious activity. Police stated that short-stay apartments were main places to watch. On a lesser note I again raised the issue of cyclists racing along the Esplanade and promenades.

The recently-formed Owners Corporation Network Victoria [OCNV] is looking forward to progressively addressing significant issues affecting apartment owners, initially in inner Melbourne. President Roger Gardner stated they will be liaising closely with counterpart bodies interstate.

With the committee having been formed actions to be taken include arranging the canvassing of memberships, with a website to follow, after which major issues will be addressed such as weaknesses in owners corporation legislation and high-rise development planning, in order to make submissions to government.

I am pleased to report that the DCA won the most votes in a monthly competition in July to see which worthy community cause was the most popular. The competition is run by the Grill’d eatery located in the Southern Cross Station and customers enter votes progressively throughout the month.

Western Park development is under way. That’s the 2 ha site adjoining Bolte Bridge at the end of Docklands Drive.  It’s unfortunate that it’s not within close walking distance but it will provide a small recreation area. They plan to put a children’s playground there which should be located closer to the residential precinct.

The place of worship to be located off Footscray Rd near the pink car park, for which tenders were called some months ago, still has negotiations to be finalised. We are told it will be awarded to one religion.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.  You can also keep up with things on our website

Regards to all
Roger Gardner
President DCA

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