News from the DCA


Greetings everybody.

I hope your team won the grand final. My mob wasn’t allowed into the finals. But it was a great game!

Our DCA Christmas party in December will be booked shortly and we will keep you informed when we have further details.

Our AGM is being held at the Hub on Wednesday, October 2. The meeting will be preceded by an address by a strata lawyer. Topics include owners corporations no longer able to be sued for damages or diminution of value if they do not repair or maintain common property and a town planning roadshow featuring recent decisions regarding minimum apartment sizes and owner’s rights to a view.

I understand from talking to traders that the wheel should be back in operation by March. It can’t come soon enough for the traders who, with the tight retail market, have been doing it tough.  The resumption will counter all the criticism and help lift the image of Docklands. Most cabins have been installed but apparently there are still some components to be fitted and, of course, there will be extensive testing.

A comprehensive review of Victoria’s local government electoral system is underway. The Minister for Local Government has appointed an independent Local Government Electoral Review Panel to conduct the review. The panel will examine the local government electoral processes, participation, election integrity and electoral representation. A discussion paper to assist with consultations has just been released. It is available on the government website:

The panel will be holding public hearings and seeking written submissions as part of the review.  Information on how to register for the hearings and make a submission is also available on the website and individuals are encouraged to do so. The DCA will lodge a submission. Amongst our concerns are developer donations for council elections and lack of a ward system.

The new community centre and library at the end of Bourke St has taken shape and it looks impressive. It will have a reasonably-sized park in front which we are grateful for considering the lack of open space previously in some areas.  It is great to see the provision of facilities materialising after the long wait.

The Owners Corporation Network Victoria (OCNV) is up and running with stage one involving liaison with major buildings in the inner city and Docklands. Its purpose is to exchange information and to develop policies for submission to government. We are liaising with interstate counterparts who, with their greater experience, are able to guide us in our gradual development. I have been appointed president of the Victorian group.

Regarding serviced apartments, in the Watergate case, a date is to be set for the Court of Appeal to hear the appeal launched by the City of Melbourne against the Supreme Court judge’s finding in favour of the operator.

The Community Urban Planning Alliance is scheduled to meet again on October 9. The alliance with representatives from inner city associations, architects and professional planners is intended to provide reviews and submissions on major projects.  The

Fishermens Bend Urban Renewal Area Vision and Interim Guideline has been released for comment. Representatives from areas such as Docklands and Carlton can provide input based on experience of projects in their areas. Another major project coming up is the redevelopment of the E-Gate rail area. So far, there has been a significant lack of community consultation and transparency. An important element is for the wider community to be able to comment and have input into the effect of these major projects on their areas and things like infrastructure and other urban planning issues, like transport and schools.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.  You can also keep up with things on our website

Regards to all
Roger Gardner
President DCA

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