Season’s greetings


Firstly, our DCA Christmas party was held on Wednesday, December 5 – the same day that the Docklands News was published.  If you get this reminder in time, please don’t forget to attend.

All are welcome! It starts at 7.30pm and is only $10 each for non-members, which includes both savouries and drinks.  The venue is Harbour Kitchen under the NAB building on Victoria Harbour Promenade.

Now to business … the DCA’s annual general meeting was held at the Hub on October 29. Besides the moderate attendance, a total of 12 proxy votes were received from people unable to attend.  Guest speakers from the council included officers from its urban design department who provided an insight into planning processes.  There was not much joy for residents I’m afraid in terms of community input.

It is worthwhile to remind people what the DCA does. It was instituted by the Docklands Authority to promote growth of a strong community in Docklands.

It is registered under the Act. Essentially, we promote activities for the community and take up issues with the council, Places Victoria and the State Government on behalf of the community, to improve facilities and amenities and the local environment.   

The association is regarded as the conduit for distribution of material on issues and events to residents from the council, Etihad Stadium, the Hub, the Port of Melbourne Authority and outside organisations and to provide responses, including to individuals such as researchers.  

We also provide opinions, convey matters requesting attention, submit recommendations and follow up outcomes on behalf of the community.

Our representatives attend briefings, forums and meetings on issues and we liaise with other community groups.

I have written to Lord Mayor Robert Doyle and councillors requesting they review their decision behind closed doors to cancel the  9.30pm fireworks on New Year’s Eve and asking for the courtesy of a response.

We have received responses from two councillors only, suggesting we refer to others. I’m not sure of our chances but you have to try.

Our protest in 2009 when the council tried a similar cancellation resulted in it being reinstated.  

We doubt the crowd management excuse again put forward and suspect the reason is cost-saving.  There is no evidence of crowd-management problems in previous years.

We had suggested that the Chamber of Commerce also write to the council requesting review, on behalf of the restaurants/retailers, but are not aware of such action being taken as yet.

On November 15, I chaired the quarterly meeting of the OC chairs of high-rise residential buildings in the inner city. Chairs include members of the DCA.

Main items discussed included the amended Metropolitan Planning Scheme and the sub-committee review of the OC legislation and maintenance planning and funding.

A meeting of the Docklands Community Forum was held on Thursday, November 29.

We were given presentations over two hours on planning and council projects.  We were told by a council director that there is no way the NYE 9.30pm fireworks will be reinstated.

Nonetheless, I challenged that vigorously saying there is no evidence of crowd problems and the Lord Mayor admitted at a function that he was not prepared to spend the extra money.

The same decision was reversed in 2009 and it should be reversed again. The 9.30pm cancellation deprives families with children of the event and also families from the Western suburbs, many of whom come in by car, to say nothing of the loss of business for struggling restaurants.

Some of us asked that there be less lectures in future and more opportunity for discussion of issues amongst ourselves, being the community and business representative members. Following that, we could come up with views and recommendations ourselves.

Regarding the major esplanade redevelopment we were told that options will be presented to the community to review prior to decisions being made. That will be a welcome improvement in the process.

I’d like on behalf of our committee to wish to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year!  I look forward to preparing a column for you in the New Year.

Regards to all

Roger Gardner, President, DCA

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