Greetings everybody and happy Easter!

Greetings everybody and happy Easter!

A few from Docklands including myself attended the major community forum on the Melbourne Planning Strategy held in the Peninsula, Shed 14 Central Pier, on March 2, hosted by the former Premier Baillieu and Planning Minister Guy and attended by some 600 representatives of community groups from around Melbourne.

The lengthy strategy, issued by the Planning Department, sets out proposals for Melbourne’s development and environment for the next 40 to 50 years.  Amongst the ideas is a concept called “a 20 minute city” where local developments would be self-contained with facilities and services within easy reach. Feedback discussions were held at tables.  It all sounded good but there was some cynicism about things like additional infrastructure to meet expanded population actually being achieved.

A smaller evening forum on the subject was held in a town hall meeting room on March 19 organised primarily by the Southbank Residents Group and attended by myself for the DCA  and by the Eastenders [city] Group, with presenters from the department.  Attendees from Southbank took the opportunity to strongly criticise the approval given by Minister Guy for a 108-storey skyscraper in Southbank, despite the fact that the council voted against it.

There is concern about further development plans for NewQuay put forward on the quiet to Places Victoria by MAB Corporation, which differ significantly from earlier master plans. Residents have not been informed and there has been no public consultation. What else is new! We found out through a backdoor source. This will be pursued.

On behalf of the DCA, I have met with the leaders of the Southbank and East Ender Groups to discuss common issues and joint action.

The DCA is preparing a letter to the Education Minister supporting the request for a school, using data supplied by Places Victoria The quarterly meeting of the combined OC Chairs was held on March 7. Matters discussed included relationships with council and the State Government, OC fees comparison, how to reduce electricity costs and serviced apartments.

An interesting item related to a building in the city which is near nightclubs. The Owners Corporation set up a sinking fund, a fighting fund to pay for repairs to damage to the common areas caused by visitors to the building. It was approved through a ballot and a $50,000 “war chest” was created. Their OC manager gave advice that the sinking fund should be possible.

One resident took the Owners Corporation to VCAT on it because he did not want to make contributions to the fund. The OC won. This is important because it provides a precedent for a fund to counter an external issue.

The bi-monthly meeting of the Docklands Community Forum was held on March 27. Council and Places Victoria officers gave a progress report on implementation of the Community and Place Plan.  The Council CEO Kathy Alexander has given an assurance that relevant managers will be contacted directly on items raised and requiring attention and will be followed up.

As reported elsewhere in this edition, a judgement was handed down in late March by the Building Appeals Board, ruling against serviced apartments in the Watergate buildings.  It included a statement that residential buildings, which are classified as Class 2 under the Building Code, cannot be used for serviced apartments. This has wide ramifications.

Event and activity programs issued by Etihad, council and The Hub continue to be emailed to members.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]    If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.  You can also keep up with things on our website

Regards to all
Roger Gardner
President DCA

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