Merry Christmas Docklands and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas Docklands and a Happy New Year

I would like on behalf of the Docklands Community Association committee to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

It has been a very busy year for the DCA.  Our Christmas party is coming up on Tuesday, December 7 from 7.30pm at the Harbour Kitchen on Victoria Harbour and we invite you to come along.  Given the success of the previous functions, it should be a great night. It can’t be washed out like our recent barbecue was last month because it will be under cover in the glass pavilion by the water.

We continue to keep members regularly informed of activities and events such as Hub Happenings by various groups, fun runs and Christmas Carols on December 16.  There also will be the Motorcycle Riders Association’s annual Toy Run culminating with a show on Central Pier on Sunday, December 12.

We are currently pressing the City of Melbourne to notify and consult with us in advance with respect to proposed promotional and sporting events so that we can ensure that residential interests are catered for. Problems don’t often arise but we need that involvement.

VicUrban is doing a good job in keeping us updated on the Harbour Esplanade works which we pass on to members.

We are also requesting that there be greater consultation and provision of information by VicUrban and developers to affected residents on specific building projects. This is so adjoining residents can know in advance things like size of the building, traffic effects, parking effects and time frame.

Until now residents  “have been kept in the dark” on specifics “until the last minute” and then given minimal information. Greater respect needs to be shown to the effect on residents who now form a significant sector in Docklands.

Another current issue is the question of the use of Western Park abutting the Bolte Bridge at the end of Docklands Drive.  VicUrban has advertised three options on its website which we will be circulating to members for comment.

In summary they are: firstly a peaceful park, or secondly a recreation area including outdoor courts and playground, or thirdly a formal sports complex.

Under the third category, Melbourne Football Club, in conjunction with Netball Victoria, has proposed an oval, indoor courts and facilities. They propose community-shared use.  The MFC is arranging to make a presentation to the DCA committee and we will keep members informed.  With so little public open space available, it is important to ensure that community needs are provided for.

If any reader wishes to become a member of the DCA  or has any suggestions they wish to put forward with respect to activities or issues to take up on their 
behalf you are welcome to do so by contacting us on [email protected]. If you would like to talk to me about any aspect, you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.

You can keep up with things on our website

Best wishes for 2011.


Roger Gardner, President DCA

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