Anyone for some incidental exercise?


My iPhone maps app takes me to some unexpected places, as does my spontaneous nature.

This last month I have been commuting into Docklands on the train – the Upfield line – from Brunswick, a mere 7km away but a trip that can take over an hour on the tram.

Spontaneity has been at play when I get to North Melbourne station where I have three choices:

A 20-minute commute through the city loop to Southern Cross and then onto the Collins St tram or walk to work;

Get off the train and change platforms and get onto a train that goes to Flinders St/Southern Cross – also 20 minutes; and

Get off the train and walk from North Melbourne to work – yes, it’s 20 minutes.

I rarely make my choice until seconds before reaching North Melbourne. I don’t know why – and I guess I don’t need to over-analyse it – but I have been choosing to get off at North Melbourne and walk.

I walk along Adderley St, past Festival Hall (thought bubble #1 – I must get out and see more live music), down the street that goes under the bridge (thought bubble #2 – OMG I’m breathing in so many car fumes it’s not worth the exercise), and along Harbour Esplanade, beside the water, and the jellyfish, and the boats (thought bubble #3 – I love this walk I really must do it everyday!).

Strangely, I have been feeling fitter and stronger for it. I figure if I feel less stressed, more sane and altogether better this must mean something right?

So ... I’ve taken to doing what everyone does when they have expended effort doing something that is vaguely like work and reaped some rewards from it – become a ZEALOT.

I’ve been talking about my new one-week-old routine like I’ve been doing it for a year… like I’ve been walking rain hail or shine – instead of only in the sunshine.

I must say, it has paid off. My friend Ber has been given me lots of positive affirmation/validation/support for my efforts  (which pale in comparison to her 10km run/sprint she achieves every morning at 4.30am while I am fast asleep and dreaming of ice-cold glasses of sav blanc).

But I still haven’t succumbed to consumer pressure and become the proud owner of a wristwatch style device that measures my steps, or a pedometer.

For me there is something lovely about doing something you like doing, which happens to be good for you.

So there.

Until next time.
Maria X

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