It’s been an extraordinary month


The sun has been both literally, and figuratively, shining and there is a feeling of complete content and happiness. Extraordinary stuff. Particularly since it follows a period of intense stress … as the stress abates and vacates its occupancy of my life, joy has a chance to check on in.

There’s nothing noteworthy to be joyful about, except for the re-discovery of simple pleasures. Of not rushing. Of not feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. Of having time to be a mum, helping with homework, having dinner ready at a reasonable time. Of actually having socks folded in matching pairs.

Sounds like domestic hell? Not to me, not this month – this month has been just perfect.

Of course, the bank may not think so given my lack of revenue raising activities and my indulgence in spending on “little things” (but just a lot of them!). The new appliances to bake pies, press sandwiches, brew coffee and blast smoothies. The softer-than-soft “loungewear” (as I’m now home-based), the new running shoes for my return to fitness, the new bag to carry the new iPad because I have time for brain training (Sudoku, Solitaire and Scrabble).

These were all essentials to my new way of life post the “stressful incident of 2018” and my reviewing my life direction.

Of course, I know it will be short-lived but for the first time in more than 15 years I’ve decided to give myself a break. Yep, a break.

I’m taking a month or so to recover, heal and recuperate from an incredibly stressful time. And I’m investing in me, my mental health, my physical wellbeing and refocusing my energy on what is most important – my family. And I just can’t believe how wonderful it feels.

Of course, after a glass of wine on such a wonderful relaxed day, I thought I’d visit an old thought of mine that I’d long forgotten – the thought of “I wonder if someone is out there for me”.

So I popped online (what else can one do?!) and checked if there was anyone who might be interesting/interested in potential dating.

Word of advice to any man out there in the dating world – do not, under any circumstances, send nude pics to someone you haven’t met.

It doesn’t matter how well the light shows off that pec, or how much the reflection in the bathroom mirror is just perfect to highlight your bicep, just don’t do it. Please.

I promise all we do is squeal with laughter, tell our friends over a wine and move on. Good for a giggle though!

This month has been about relaxing, lightening up a little, reconnecting a lot, and waiting for the path to present itself. And it’s feeling like everything is coming together.

What a woman wants is for her home to be her sanctuary and her heart to be her strength. We all need to nurture ourselves and take a little time out to be able to give so much to those we love, to our dreams, to our future.

Please listen to your body when it’s time to rest and recover and never underestimate the healing power that comes from the laughter with friends and love from your family.

I can’t wait to see what this month will bring.

With love


PS don’t forget you can reach me at [email protected] - Thank you for your emails x

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