Rotary Club is coming to Dockland


February 2009, Issue 39

Rotary Club is coming to Docklands

Rotary activist Ann White has formed Rotary Clubs in both Southbank and Yarraville and has now turned her considerable positive energy on Docklands.

Ms White, who runs a software business in South Melbourne, has had her eye on Docklands for some years now.

She assesses the precinct as now being sufficiently mature to successfully host its own service club and is running two information evenings at Waterfront City.

The hour-long “interest meetings” are being held at 6.30pm on Tuesday, February 24 and Tuesday, March 10 at the Waterfront Room, Level 1, 427 Docklands Drive.

Ms White said a successful club had a mix of members. “Retired professionals are good to have. Executives, small business people and younger people who benefit from the experience are a good mix,” she said.

She said the common experience of being in business bound members together and advised that Rotary International was only open to professional and business people.

She also warned not to view Rotary as a “networking opportunity”. She said people who were not motivated to give something back to the community should save themselves the bother of applying.

“Business people with skills and talents acquired over many years often feel the need to give something back,” she said.

Ms White said she wanted the new Docklands Rotary Club to charter by the middle of this year and that the new club would choose a project to work on straight away.

“Each club is autonomous and has the power to support those projects the members select as worthy of their time and efforts. This makes it very exciting as the charter members will decide the direction of the new club,” she said.

“If you’ve been looking for a way to make some of your spare time useful and productive while meeting people who have similar values, Rotary may be the answer.”

“It’s always easier when working with a team of like-minded people to make significant changes. This world needs its best and brightest to give of themselves rather than just donate money.”

She said a new Rotary Club opened somewhere in the world every 12 hours.

Ms White can be contacted on 0402 306 790 or [email protected].

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