Pet’s day out

Pet’s day out

The NewQuay Piazza will be filled with the sounds of barking and hissing, squawking and purring this month, when Docklands’ animal population meets later this month.

Docklands’ pets (and their owners) are invited to come along to the piazza at midday on February 9 to join in the Animate – Public Space – Docklands event.

Local artist Amie Anderson and resident Lori Boys have collaborated on the event, which they hope will see both domestic and exotic species on show.

“The purpose of the day is to bring the Docklands locals together through the walking of their pets,” Ms Anderson said.

“The project uses physical bodies, both animal and human to connect with the environment and the public space.”

The event is part of Lands, a wider public art project being developed by Ms Anderson, who is involved with The Food Court community arts space, which is part of the Docklands Spaces initiative.

Lands involves a series of public activation events both in the piazza and at Harbour Town and is being developed in collaboration with Docklands residents, workers and other artists.

“Whilst re-imagining and re-configuring the public space of the Docklands, the project encourages participation, community exchange and communication,” Ms Anderson said.

“By using public space in unconventional and meaningful ways, new responses and identities can be formed in relation to the Docklands area,” Ms Anderson said.

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