Pedestrian link upgrade

Pedestrian link upgrade

Places Victoria (formerly VicUrban) is in the process of implementing landscape and signage upgrades to improve the pedestrian experience between the Etihad Stadium car park entrance and Central Pier.  

The works aim to enhance the pedestrian journey between Central Pier and the Etihad Stadium car park to create a more visible, legible and memorable link.

These works are expected to be complete by mid this month.

The first stage of works that are currently underway include:

Improving the legibility and surface of the pedestrian path between the Etihad Stadium car park entrance and Harbour Esplanade;

Upgrading the landscape leading to the car park entrance, in order to improve the amenity and pedestrian experience; and

The installation of a graphic treatment in the Etihad Stadium car park tunnel to improve the amenity and interest for pedestrians passing through.

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