Organic fertiliser program

Organic fertiliser program

An innovative program diverting food waste from landfill and turning it into organic fertiliser is underway in Docklands.

Environmental company Eco Guardians is partnering with Citywide waste management services to initially audit a range of businesses across Docklands to assess their food waste statistics.

The aim is to encourage businesses to sign up for a new program whereby they will be provided with a machine from Eco Guardians where food waste can be deposited and rapidly turned into what it calls “Soilfood™” – a nutrient-rich organic fertiliser created by Eco Guardians. Citywide Waste Management will then collect the fertiliser and use it across its open spaces (parks and gardens) within Docklands and potentially beyond. 

The units reduce food waste volumes by around 85 per cent, sterilise the remainder and turn it into the SoilFood fertiliser

The program has been made possible by a grant from Development Victoria, as well as the support of Citywide Waste Management Services and the Docklands Chamber of Commerce.

Paul Moynes from Eco Guardians said it was calling on business in Docklands to sign up for the initial audit which would identify how much food waste they generate and give them an idea of what commitment they could make to the environment by separating food waste as part of the program.

Mr Moynes said the end game was to educate the business community that it could make a real difference to the environment by diverting food waste from land-fill and turning it into organic fertiliser to use within the community. 

Signing up could also potentially reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by between 80-90 per cent, Mr Moynes said.

He also said if the program took off, there was a chance for Docklands to become a leading environmental precinct. 

“Think of precincts around the world – New York, Barcelona and Canary Wharf in London,” he said. “Docklands could be one of the greenest precincts around the globe but to do that we need to learn to commit to recycling our food waste.”

For an audit, email [email protected] or phone 1300 556 628.

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