Orange is the new black

Orange is the new black

Push! Fitness’s owner Andrew Ward put on his bright orange volunteering gear for the Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW) during the National Volunteering Week last month.

Mr Ward has been volunteering for the State Emergency Service (SES) and coast guard for 6.5 years and has been called into all sorts of emergencies from floods to storms and to rescuing cats. He said wearing orange could help spread more knowledge about SES and volunteerism.

“This is a day to wear orange and thank all the volunteers around the state. All day my customers have been asking me why I’m wearing orange and it’s a great way to raise awareness for all the great work volunteers have done,” he said.

Mr Ward also encouraged his staff to show up in orange.

“I think it’s a great initiative. Hopefully they will be motivated to volunteer more themselves,” he said.

“As a business owner and a community member, I believe in not just talking but taking actions. By being involved with SES, I set a good example for the team and for my customers.”

He said volunteering could be for everyone, no matter what their lifestyle.

“Even if you are always busy, volunteering is something you can make time for. There’s a lot of non financial reward you get from volunteering.”

For more information about volunteering with SES visit

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