Multicultural NewQuay

Multicultural NewQuay

A NewQuay restaurant is holding a multicultural festival this month in hope of showcasing everything the area has to offer.

According to Almina owner, Stephanie El-sheikh the multicultural festival will be held on Sunday, November 23 from 12 noon to 9pm at the NewQuay Piazza.

The festival will feature live singers, a jumping castle, face painting, fireworks and food stands.

Ms El-sheikh said it had been a quiet winter for many businesses in Docklands, but events such as the winter fireworks had been a great help.

“The fireworks helped us a great deal, it helped bring in many families to Docklands and that is the aim for this festival. It will not only benefit us but also benefit the others around us,” she said.

“It is now the beginning of summer and we need something that will help welcome summer at Docklands this year.”

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