More traffic disruption

More traffic disruption

Harbour Esplanade will be closed at night this month and also in March as contractors fix strip drains.

Places Victoria’s city west manager Simon Wilson said problems with the drains were discovered last September during a final inspection of the Harbour Esplanade redevelopment.

“Following the final inspection of the Stage 1 works in September 2011, it was noted that strip drains constructed along Harbour Esplanade were showing signs of deterioration,” Mr Wilson said.

“Remedial works will commence on January 30 and will be completed by the end of April.  These works have been discussed with  all neighbouring properties to minimise disruption to all concerned.”

“As part of these remedial works, Harbour Esplanade will be closed to vehicle traffic from 11pm until 5am Monday to Friday in late February and early March. Traffic diversions will be in place during these times and traffic management staff will be in place to assist pedestrians and motorists as required,” Mr Wilson said.

“With the exception of these night works, remedial works are not expected to affect trams, pedestrians or vehicles.”

“All works will be completed under permit and in accordance with Melbourne Council requirements, including permission to restrict road access in order to conduct night works,” Mr Wilson said.

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