Homeless sculpture

Homeless sculpture

Development Victoria (DV) is struggling finding a new home for the IOU sculpture, with its second attempt ending in failure last month.

The Mikala Dwyer sculpture was moved from its home since 2005 opposite the Watergate towers in Waterview Walk earlier this year when the open space was upgraded.

The first choice for a new home was on the riverbank beside the ANZ Centre but this plan fell over when the bank strongly objected because of a potential association with indebtedness.

And now the second choice at Water Plaza in Victoria Harbour has collapsed because engineers are believed to have advised that the wharf area could not take the weight.

Development Victoria general manager – precincts, Simon Wilson, said: 

“Expert engineering advice supported the relocation of the IOU sculpture to Water Plaza but, due to site conditions that only became apparent during preliminary works, a decision has been taken to seek an alternative location for the IOU sculpture.”

“We will now work with City of Melbourne and the artist to identify a new location for the artwork.” 

The decision not to locate the sculpture at Water Plaza was welcomed by resident John Jackson who had earlier written: “The grassed area in question is one of only two along Victoria Harbour Promenade suitable to be used by an increasing number of residents to walk their dogs.”

“The grassed area is also used by residents and visitors as a vantage point from where to watch the New Year’s Eve fireworks.”

“In the past few days I have spoken to 15 people walking their dogs and all of them were unaware of your plans to relocate the three structures onto the small grassed area.”

“They were all disappointed that the grassed area was chosen as the new site.  They all said they had not received any notifications in their mailboxes concerning your plans.”

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