Docklands traffic improvement is ‘‘encouraging’’

Docklands traffic improvement is ‘‘encouraging’’

VicUrban has been encouraged by feedback suggesting that traffic flow in Docklands has recently improved.

Acting Docklands general manager Simon Wilson said several employers had told him their staff had reported improvements.

“We’ve also received some very encouraging feedback recently from several employers, whose staff have experienced improvements in the flow of vehicle traffic along Docklands’ main thoroughfares during peak times – Bourke St and Wurundjeri Way,”
Mr Wilson said.

Mr Wilson was commenting on the results of a recent traffic survey, which will inform an integrated transport plan for Docklands.

“This represents one of the largest transport surveys to be ever undertaken in Melbourne and we were really pleased to see so many workers, residents and visitors complete the surveys,” he said.

“More than 25 per cent of workers, 5 per cent of residents and over 3000 visitors completed the survey, providing an outstanding volume of data to inform the transport model.”

“I’d particularly like to thank the many employers within Docklands who encouraged their staff to complete the surveys. The participation level was really encouraging.”

The transport plan, which also involves the City of Melbourne, the Department of Planning and Community Development, the Department of Transport and VicRoads will “establish the priority transport initiatives and investments to be delivered in Docklands over the short to medium term”.

It will provide traffic predictions, forecasts of public transport usage and an analysis of pedestrian and cycling patterns at key stages of Docklands’ development.

Citing some examples of traffic improvements, Mr Wilson mentioned:

The signal time for the right-hand turning lane from Collins St into Batman’s Hill Drive has been lengthened to ensure cars can exit onto Wurundjeri Way as quickly as possible;

Some traffic signals along Batman’s Hill Drive have been changed to ensure a greater number of cars can exit onto Wurundjeri Way during one traffic sequence; and

The traffic lights between Bourke St and Wurundjeri Way have been synchronised to allow traffic to flow from Victoria Harbour through to Wurundjeri Way in one movement where possible.

The Docklands Transport Plan is anticipated to be released later in the year.

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