Click go the tills at the Woolshed

Click go the tills at the Woolshed

The Woolshed Pub at Central Pier finally opened for business on January 22 after battling for a year and a half to get a liquor licence.

The Victorian Civil Appeals Tribunal (VCAT) finalised conditions attached to the licence on December 18.

The venue is able to trade until 1am in its main bistro/bar area, but has to close its northern external area at midnight and must cease trading in its other out-door areas at 11pm.

It is restricted to 675 patrons – less than half what it asked for in its initial application in July 2008. It is prevented from having any amplified music, entertainment or speech in its external areas.

The Director of Liquor Licensing Sue Maclellan refused to issue a licence to the Woolshed Pub in January 2009. The venue appealed the decision to VCAT.

A spokesperson for Atlantic [v] said the public response since the Woolshed Pub opened showed that there was clearly a strong need for the venue. She said it was well supported by corporate patrons for lunch and by locals at night.

A spokesperson for Ms Maclellan said the director had yet to decide on an application for a licence for 750 patrons by Platform 28 within the Goods Shed North development in Bourke St.

She said a panel hearing had recommended Ms Maclellan try to restrict the scale of the Platform 28 operation (reduced patron numbers and stringent conditions to protect amenity for local residents) - as had been in the case in the Woolshed matter.

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