The cutest Banana ever

The cutest Banana ever

He may be a little bit fruity, but what can you expect from a 10-week-old puppy.

Meet Banana, the newest member of the FoneIT crew, a telecommunications business that operates on Harbour Esplanade in the LifeLab Building.

Linh Nguyen started bringing little Banana into work four weeks ago after her boyfriend, Michael, unexpectedly brought him home one night.

“He called up and said he was going to his friends house for dinner and then came home at midnight with a puppy,” Linh said.

Currently going through what appears to be doggy-teething, Banana, a fun cuddly Australian Terrier/Spaniel cross, loves to bite on everything.

“He’s very fun-loving, but a deviant and a biter and he can still be carried in one hand,” Linh said.

Popular with everyone, not just the ladies, Banana brings joy to everyone who comes across him, whether it is customers or the people he encounters on his walk.

“Everyone wants to touch him … It’s so good when you see people just automatically smile when they see him running along.”

This little cutie will be at FoneIT everyday for the next few weeks until he is old enough to stay home occasionally.

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