Ditch the tents


Just voicing my concern at the lack of interest many Docklands restaurants in NewQuay have in maintaining outdoor areas. Surely this is costing them customers.

Personally I feel that the large presence of dirty, ripped and flapping plastic awnings makes the entire NewQuay area look like a dirty, abandoned festival.

I don’t know anyone who thinks it is nice to dine in one of these tents. It is better to be cold and have a view. Also, looking out on one of these from inside a restaurant is not pleasant when, instead, we could be looking out over the water.

When walking along the waterfront, we don’t even see what the restaurants are, just the plastic. I noticed NewQuay Buffet for the first time last month, when they removed their plastic tents. It actually looks quite nice inside, now I can see it.

These plastic tents don’t have a place in Docklands. Perhaps they were a “temporary” measure to stop the wind, but they are just turning away customers and allowing restaurant staff to use their outdoor areas as a kind of dumping ground.


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