Exercise of the month – The squat

Exercise of the month – The squat

The single best physical exercise, period.

We all should be performing some kind of squatting movements as part of a regular routine to improve our baseline health fitness. Before you run out and buy yourself a bar and weights, and start mimicking cross-fit dudes you find on YouTube, you should first get some professional coaching and advice.

No matter how experienced we are or think we may be, we can all improve and refine our squatting techniques – this is where a trainer or coach can help. This step is mandatory if you are new to the gym or squatting.

You should squat because it will improve the quality of your life. Yes it will! Here are some specifics:

Build strong legs, lower back and torso;

Improve the mobility and flexibility of the hips and legs;

Reduce lower back pain;

Improve your overall body balance;

Reinforce and imprint proper daily and workplace lifting techniques – use your legs, not your back; and

Aesthetics. You can always pick the people who squat.


Smart and realistic goal setting

Most of us are on a journey of self-improvement. I don’t know many (if any) people who wake up every day and try to be worse than they were yesterday!

When it comes to our own health and wellness, we are all pursuing a better version of our current self, and there is nothing wrong with that. Realistic goal setting is a very important part of achieving the results you want. Like anything, if the goals are stretched too far, you may end up injured or failing to achieve. This can be disheartening and counter productive, especially when your progress may have been on track with better guidance and more realistic milestones.

Here are some tips to ensure you get where you want to go in 2015:

Ensure clarity – know exactly what you want to achieve;

Make it measureable – not just the end game, but the milestones;

Make it achievable – A professional has rubber-stamped the activities and timeframe, and supports your plan; and

Make it meaningful – It should complement or improve your life. This will help you stay motivated.


Save a life – First aid and CPR

If you are employed in the health and wellness industry, current first aid and CPR qualifications are mandatory for all workers. CPR is renewed annually and workplace, senior or level 2 first aid is renewed every three years.

Most quality health and fitness centres are well equipped with trained staff and a defibrillator on hand in case of any serious incidents, so you’re relatively safe in our hands. That’s at least for the 4-5 workouts you do each week. But that’s only 4-5 hours of 168 hours in a week. What about the other 164?

You are the potential first responder for everyone your come into contact with – your family, friends, clients and colleagues. Are you ready and able to help them if someone suddenly suffers cardiac arrest? Are they ready to save your life if the scenario is reversed?

Does your workplace have a defibrillator in an easily accessible location? Are you confident in using a defib?

These are all good questions you must ask yourself, your closest friends and your family members if you truly care for them.

Don’t delay – get first aid and CPR certified today! It can also be a great team building activity!

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