Docklands’ season of fun and glory


By Shane Wylie

We’re right in the middle of summer and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed some spectacular times in Docklands.

The Volvo Ocean Yachts arrived three days early thanks to some very favourable winds in the Southern Ocean. The yachts were here for seven days and we also enjoyed a lovely concurrent food truck park along Harbour Esplanade. To top it off we loved the second year of fireworks from Melbourne’s rooftops and we have to say we thought this year was fabulous.

A word from our hotels

Hoteliers in the Docklands are once again celebrating a successful summer season with events supporting the precinct. As the new year starts to take shape, many of us are saying goodbye to our leisure guests and preparing for the business travel season to begin. With many new developments continuing to come on board, we look forward to welcoming new members to the community in 2018. Without our continued sense of community, the Docklands brand and precinct would never continue to grow.

Successful advertising of member businesses

We’ve continued our social media and website advertising for all of our member businesses throughout summer. Did you know that as a member of the Docklands Chamber of Commerce we guarantee to spend at least your annual fee on advertising your business – so long as you can provide media of a suitable standard.

The Lady Cutler Melbourne Showboat recently enjoyed over 400 unique clicks through to their booking page from a social media post we did for them. For the same result via Google adwords that might have cost in the vicinity of $500. What did it cost the Lady Cutler? Nothing. It was all part of its membership and it has plenty more advertisements to come. If you are doing business in Docklands then you need to be a member.

Speaking of ….

Speaking of our social media, we are climbing up towards 150,000 followers on Facebook and 11,500 on Instagram. We only showcase our members and pictorials that display Docklands as the place we know and love. Our video of the NYE fireworks reached over two million people.


We’d love to wish prosperity and success in the New Year. We are blessed to live in the most wonderful area of the most wonderful city on the planet.

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