New Spencer Street Station taking shape


Issue 3 – September/October 2003

New Spencer Street Station taking shape

Work on the $350 million redevelopment of Spencer Street Station is well underway.

Over recent months works have included platform and track alterations, platform canopy demolition and piling work for the new southern concourse.

The first concrete pour took place on the southern concourse, between Collins St and the regional platforms. The next phase of development for the concourse involves the construction of the mezzanine and first floors of the new station.

In forthcoming months, Docklands residents will have a prime position to view the installation of the new “wave” roof.

While the station will continue to operate throughout the redevelopment it is inevitable that there will be some inconvenience to station staff and passengers.

Spencer Street Station Authority and Leighton Contractors will do their utmost to ensure these inconveniences are kept to a minimum.

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